Florida’s Bold Move

The Florida Legislature has passed a bill that can significantly improve public education by changing the way teachers are compensated and tenured. By tying compensation to results (student learning) as is done in the private sector, it has attracted nationwide attention and admiration.

The Chicago Tribune Editorial described it thus:

The most significant piece of legislation eliminates tenure protection for teachers. Newly hired teachers would work on an annual contract that can be renewed each year. The bill also does away with lockstep annual raises. Teachers’ pay no longer would be bumped based simply on how long they’ve worked, and how many graduate degrees they’ve obtained. Instead, their pay would depend on the achievement of their students. The more improvement their students make in the classroom, the more money teachers take home. Already tenured teachers keep their job protection.

The legislature’s move has teachers unions up in arms. Andy Ford, the president of the Florida Education Association, told Education Week that his group would work to shake up the make-up of the legislature. “We’re looking toward the November elections, where we’d repeal and reform the legislation, if we can change some seats in the Senate and the House,” Ford said.

Despite enormous pressure, legislators have sent a message that they’re committed to breathtaking reform. Their boldness is refreshing, a template we hope Illinois emulates.

Read the entire article HERE.

Unfortunately, Governor Crist has not yet decided if he will sign or veto this landmark legislation. He may be doing a political calculation about the support he could get from the teacher’s unions if he decides to drop out of the Republican Senate primary and run as an Independent (which he of course said he would not do). Why else would he even hesitate to embrace this change?
Please call the Governor at (850) 488-7146 or send email ( charlie.crist@myflorida.com ) and ask him to SIGN THE BILL.

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